Is Jesus God? | What does the Bible say?

When it comes to knowing about Jesus, it’s easy to put together an idea based on what you hear and what people say. But who do you say Jesus is? And why? Let’s take a closer look at what Jesus actually said about Himself. 

More Than Just a Good Teacher

Many people respect Jesus as a great moral teacher, but Jesus didn't just stop there. In the Gospel of John, He made it clear that He was sent by God and that He came down from heaven (John 6:38, 42). This is not the claim of just any teacher—it’s a claim to divinity.

The Journey to Jesus To learn more about this attribute of Jesus, read through the Gospel of John, particularly chapters 6 and 10. Ask yourself, “What do these claims mean for me?” If Jesus really is who He says He is, how should that impact your approach to Him? Consider discussing your thoughts with a friend or in a small group.

Walked the Walk

It's one thing to make bold claims; it’s another to back them up. Jesus did just that. He performed miracles, forgave sins, and even raised the dead—actions that only God could do (Mark 2:5-7; John 10:36-39). His actions were not just displays of power but evidence of His identity.

The Journey to Jesus Reflect on areas in your life where you need God’s intervention. Whether it's a relationship, a personal struggle, or a big decision, try inviting Jesus into that space. Pray specifically for His power to be clearly obvious in your situation. You might be surprised by what happens when you truly expect Him to act.

The Way to God

One of the most significant things Jesus said was that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). This is a radical claim, but it’s also a profound invitation. Jesus isn’t just a way; He’s the way.

Think about what it means to follow “the way” of Jesus in your everyday life. It could mean making a different choice at work, treating someone with kindness who doesn’t deserve it, or simply spending time in prayer and reflection. Let this be a week where you intentionally walk in His footsteps.

So who do you say Jesus is? 

Who you say Jesus is will determine how you live, where you place your trust, and ultimately, where you spend eternity. The challenge is not just to understand Jesus better, but to respond to Him personally. Will you embrace Him as the divine Savior who has the power to transform your life? Or will you walk away, unchanged by the most important invitation you’ll ever receive? 

The decision is yours, and it’s one that demands more than just knowing about it—it requires a heart fully committed to following the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. Let this be the week where you take a step closer to Jesus, allowing His profound claims to lead you into a deeper, more vibrant relationship with Him.

Deciding to put Jesus first? Let us know.