be strong + Courageous
life change happENs here.
We believe that church isn’t just a building you walk in to, but a family you can belong to. It’s a place that feels like home, because it is. Find your people, find your place.
Let Us Know You're Coming
Common questions
We are people-people! You can expect big smiles, fist bumps, and high fives! We are passionate about Jesus and worship boldly, so here’s our disclaimer: the music might get loud! Whichever location you join us on the weekend, you will experience a live or broadcast video message.
Find Your Place
One church, multiple locations.
North Location
2848 N Broadway Ave
Springfield, MO 65803
9:30A | 11A
South Location
4900 S FR 189
Rogersville, MO 65742
9:30A | 11A
EAST Location
922 S Eastgate AveSpringfield, MO 65809
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