Love When It's Not Deserved!

In a world that feels full of tension, drama, and disagreement - love still wins (both against our friends and our enemies!) In this message from lead pastor, Tyler Padgitt, we learn to love in a way that perseveres through trials, embraces the broken, and extends grace to those who don't quite seem to deserve it.

God's selfless act of giving us His Son shows us love in action - unconditional, sacrificial, and redemptive. Love tears down barriers, heals wounds, and transforms lives. It's not just about feelings but about actively demonstrating love in every interaction.

Give Unconditional Love a Try

There is a stark contrast between actions that stemming from negativity and those that are rooted in love. Take the challenge: forgive, be patient, and show kindness without expecting anything back. Do something nice without waiting for a pat on the back. It can be small—like a solid compliment or a chill attitude. Let love take the lead.

Live Out Compassion

God's incredible act of sending His Son, Jesus, out of love, highlights the boundless and redemptive nature of love. Let this serve as a guiding light in your interactions. Instead of being judgy, activate your compassion mode. Show some love, understanding, and support—even to those you don't vibe with. Try walking in someone else's shoes. Listen with purpose and see their side of the story. Offer a hand or an ear to someone in need.

Let Love Guide Your Interactions

It's not just about feeling the love; it's about living it! Load up on kindness, patience, and putting others first. Let that Spirit guide your life. Spread love everywhere you go. With your people, your work crew, or even strangers on the street, let love do it's thing. A smile, a fist bump, or a high five when needed—it takes courage!

Commit to these simple moves, and watch how love changes the everything. Remember, even the smallest act of love move can change things.