Tear The Roof Off | How to Get to Jesus

Have you ever had a moment where you realized you couldn’t handle something alone? Maybe you were trying to pick up the pieces of a broken situation—physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Life can feel overwhelming when you're carrying heavy burdens on your own. But here's the good news: You were never meant to do it alone. Sometimes we need friends who are willing to help us reach Jesus when we can’t get there ourselves.

In the story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man (Mark 2), a group of friends literally tore a roof off to make sure their friend encountered Jesus. That kind of bold, faith-filled action reminds us of the power of community and connection. 

So what does that mean for you?


  1. Be an Action-Oriented Friend. It’s easy to get stuck in a thought loop or just waiting for the "right moment" to do something significant. But the truth is, sometimes you have to get a little creative and bold. The friends in Mark 2 didn’t wait for the crowd to clear out; they found a way around the obstacle. If you have people in your life who are hurting or lost, take a bold step to help them. This could mean inviting them to church, praying with them, or simply being present during tough times. Think about someone in your life who is struggling or distant from faith. What’s one small, intentional action you can take this week to support them? Maybe it’s a phone call, offering to listen, or inviting them to an event. Take that step with faith, trusting that God will do the rest.
  2. Admit Your Own Need for Jesus. In the story, the paralyzed man didn’t pretend everything was fine. He was vulnerable and willing to be carried to Jesus. We often try to hide our struggles or downplay the areas in our lives where we need help. But admitting our need—especially our need for forgiveness and healing from sin—is the first step toward true freedom.  Take time this week to reflect on areas in your life where you need God’s healing or intervention. Talk to God about these tough areas. That is what prayer is all about. Ask God to help you be courageous enough to also talk through it with a trusted friend who can encourage and pray with you. If you haven’t taken a step to build community with other believers in Jesus, try out a small group.
  3. Push through the Obstacles. The friends in this story didn’t let the crowd or a closed door stop them from getting to Jesus. They pushed through obstacles, even tearing a hole in the roof to make sure their friend received the healing he needed. We all face barriers—whether it’s time, fear, or doubt—that can keep us from helping others or seeking God for ourselves. But persistence in the face of obstacles can open the door for miracles. Identify one barrier in your life that's keeping you from either serving someone or pursuing God more fully. It might be fear of rejection, a busy schedule, or feelings of inadequacy. This week, take a practical step to push through that obstacle. Whether it's scheduling time for prayer, reaching out to a friend you’ve been hesitant to help, or stepping up and getting involved in church community, be intentional about not letting barriers stop you from experiencing God’s power.

From Closeness to Connection

Moving from closeness to connection requires intentional action. It’s not enough to simply be near Jesus or near people who are hurting—we’re called to get involved, to carry others when they can’t carry themselves, and to bring our own needs to Jesus as well. When you step out in faith, take action, and serve others, you create space for Jesus to do the miraculous in your life and in the lives of those around you.

So, what roof do you need to tear off?