The Gospel of Grace | Galatians
It’s easy to measure your self worth by awards, scholarships, the pomp, and the circumstance. Yet, beyond all the achievements, there’s one place where “try harder”, and “do better” take a back seat – the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s the unchanging message that by grace, God accepts us as we are, and there is nothing left to earn.
Here are two big truths from the letter to the churches at Galatia. It’s a time where the simplicity of this Truth was becoming way too complicated with added rules and religious rituals. An old school letter, with new school truths.
Jesus doesn’t need updating. The willing act of God, to send His son Jesus Christ to take on the cost of the sin of the world–for you–is all that ever needs to happen for you to be accepted. Receiving this forgiveness is not a level of achievement to attain, but a truth to believe and embrace. Just as Paul cautioned the Galtaians to avoid working towards “extra credit”, you must remember that what happened on the cross is enough. No amount of good works can replace the grace that Jesus gives, freely. Learn more about Jesus here.
Grace is a gift, by faith. Faith is not about perfect performance, but about a posture of trust in God, and a full surrender towards what sometimes just doesn’t make sense. Faith is not based on our own efforts, but on the faithfulness of God. Grace says you don’t deserve it, but I love you enough to give you this gift. Have faith that it is enough!
So what are some ways you can begin to live differently, knowing this truth?
Start each day with gratitude. Begin your day by reflecting on God’s grace and thanking Him for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Work towards developing a spirit of gratitude that interrupts your routine thoughts and your actions.
Trust in God’s promises. When you come up against opposition, challenge, and hardships–choose to trust in God’s promises rather than relying on your own understanding or ability. Lean into your faith and allow it to guide you through hard times.
Show others grace. Practice forgiveness, kindness, and compassion in your interactions with others. Remember that just like you received grace from God, others also need this grace and understanding. Pray that you can become quick to forgive, and slow to judge.
It’s important to remember that your true identity and worth are found in the original message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As you embrace this truth, and trust in His promises, you will begin to experience what it truly means to be free and have peace in your life.