The Sparkle Creed | How to Live Like a Christian

You might say, "Being a Christian means following Jesus." But that leads to more questions: Who is Jesus? How do we live like Him? What does it mean to love everyone? And what exactly is salvation?

These aren't just theoretical questions. They hit home in everyday life. It’s essential we have a confident affirmation of who Jesus is. Today, 57% of Americans believe Jesus Christ was the only person who never sinned, but 43% don’t. Why does this matter? Because these differing views shape the voices that fill our social media feeds and influence our thoughts.

Many people will tell you who Jesus is to them, and while personal testimony is important, the crucial question remains: Who is Jesus according to Him?

We Are Shaping Our Own Beliefs?

6 out of 10 Americans believe religious belief is more about personal opinion than objective truth. This means we’re at risk of creating our own version of God—one that fits our preferences and desires.

This isn't a new struggle. The early Church faced similar challenges, competing against cultural gods for people’s allegiance. To maintain clarity, the apostles and early Church councils condensed scriptural truths into what we now call creeds. These creeds served as clear, consistent statements of faith, passed down through generations.

But today, we’re seeing a distortion of these core beliefs. Consider the "Sparkle Creed," a modern reinterpretation that leads to absolute confusion. It's a reminder of how the spirit of antichrist works—deceptive and manipulative, fracturing the truth and promoting lies.

If we’re not bold in our faith, we risk allowing history to repeat itself. Judges 2:10 warns us that if we don’t contend for our faith, the next generation may grow up without knowing the Lord.

How Do We Live Out Our Beliefs as Christians?

It starts with understanding and internalizing key theological concepts, like those found in the second half of the Apostles' Creed:

  • I believe in the Holy Spirit.
  • I believe in the universal Church.
  • I believe in the communion of saints.
  • I believe in the forgiveness of sins.
  • I believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.

These aren't just statements to recite—they're the groundwork for how we live out our faith daily.

1. The Holy Spirit Guides Us

To live out your faith, you need supernatural help. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, Advocate, and Strengthener, guiding us to love others as Christ loved us. Without the Holy Spirit, we’ll quickly burn out trying to live out these challenging commands.

2. The Universal Church Unites Us

The Church is more than a building; it’s the living, breathing body of Christ on earth. We’re united by our shared faith, and that unity must transcend cultural and national boundaries. Our primary allegiance isn’t to a nation, but to Christ and His mission.

3. The Communion of Saints Strengthens Us

Who you surround yourself with matters. Engaging in life with other believers—whether over breakfast, in small groups, or through regular church attendance—keeps us accountable and encouraged in our walk with Christ.

4. The Forgiveness of Sins Humbles Us

Christianity isn't meant to be a solitary journey. The early church thrived because believers supported one another, carried each other's burdens, and practiced forgiveness. A lifestyle that engages in authentic community is the best way for a spiritual family to be healthy and whole.

Live with an Eternal Perspective

As you strive to live out our faith, you must keep an eternal perspective. This life is not all there is. We believe in the resurrection and life everlasting, and that belief should shape how we live here and now.

What we do here matters. What we believe here matters. How we live here matters.

Defining what it means to be a Christian isn't just an intellectual exercise—it's a call to align your thoughts, actions, and community with the truths of the Gospel. By focusing on biblical truths, embracing community and forgiveness, and living with an eternal mindset, you can navigate the complexities of today's world with confidence and boldness.

It's not about adopting the latest cultural trends or personal opinions but about anchoring your life in the unchanging truth of who Jesus is. As you do so, you'll find that your thoughts and actions will naturally align with a life of purpose, love, and hope.