Fill The House | How to Experience God’s Presence

We live in a world that feels increasingly divided and disconnected, yet God’s invitation to come together never changes. His desire is for His house to be full—full of His presence, His power, and His people. When you gather together with a community of believers, you’re able to tap into something far greater than yourself. You experience God’s glory in a way that transforms not only your lives but the lives of those around you.

And as we look around today—with increasing self-centeredness, coldness, and lawlessness—it becomes more and more evident that gathering in the name of Christ is the most productive way to experience the peace and fullness only God can offer.

God Loves a Crowd

Throughout Scripture, we see God’s desire for His house to be filled. In Luke 14:23, the master of the house commands his servant to "compel people to come in, that my house may be filled." God doesn’t want empty spaces in His kingdom. He’s always inviting more people—especially those who may feel marginalized, overlooked, or unworthy. When we gather in His presence, we are part of something bigger than ourselves. And in a world that often feels divided, there is power and unity in coming together under one purpose: to worship Jesus.

Invite others into community and show hospitality. Whether it's a church service, a small group, or even connecting and grabbing coffee–take the opportunity to invite others to experience God’s presence. There’s always room for "one more." Decide that you will make your home a welcoming space where people can feel the love of God, even in casual conversations and shared meals.

Expect the Unexpected

When Jesus is in the house, there’s power. Healing happens. Deliverance takes place. Lives are restored. As Matthew 18:20 reminds us, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." You can certainly experience God on your own, but there’s something unique and powerful that happens when you gather with other believers. It’s not just about showing up to a building—it’s about coming together as a body of Christ followers, united in faith and purpose.

Invest and invite. Whether it’s attending church regularly or joining a small group, make gathering with other believers a non-negotiable part of your week. Make it a point to reach out to those who may feel disconnected or discouraged. Encourage them to join in, reminding them that there is power when we gather together.

The Word Works

Jesus didn’t just perform miracles—He preached the Word of God. And that same power is available to us today through the preaching of His Word. In 2 Timothy 4:2, Paul urges Timothy to "preach the word...patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching." The truth is, we live in a world that often rejects sound teaching in favor of what feels good. But when we fill our lives with the truth of God’s Word, we are set free.

Work to engage with Scripture daily. Don’t just wait for Sunday’s sermon—make God’s Word a regular part of your life by reading and meditating on it. Seek out sermons, teachings, or Bible studies that are rooted in Scripture and challenge you to grow in your faith.

As believers, we are called to fill God’s house—not just with people, but with faith, prayer, and worship. When Jesus is in the house, it’s going to be full. Full of His presence, full of His power, and full of people being transformed. Whether it’s in your own home, at church, or in the community, seek out ways to bring more of God’s fullness into every area of your life. And remember, there’s always room for one more—pray for the courage to invite others along for the journey.