Finding Hope in the Unexpected

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Life is full of surprises. Sometimes it’s an exciting job promotion and sometimes it's a devastating job lost. Most times, we prefer a life of predictability. A plan gives us control, but it can also leave you confused when life doesn’t always stick to the script. It’s in these moments, that when we turn to God, we can find comfort in the chaos, even if we hesitate to believe things will change. Jesus never hesitates to step into the crazy, reminding us that even when life feels out of control, He is still at work, shaping us through the unexpected.

In John 1:43-51, we meet Nathanael, a man caught off guard by an unexpected encounter with Jesus. Nathanael was skeptical—when he first heard about Jesus, he famously said, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" But in a moment that turned his life upside down, Jesus showed him that there’s more to life than what you can see on the surface. He met Nathanael in the middle of his skepticism and revealed something greater. It’s a story that shows us how Jesus shows up for us, even when we doubt.

Jesus Sees You in the Unexpected

When a friend named Philip brought Nathanael to meet Jesus, Nathanael had no idea that Jesus already knew him. Jesus said, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree” (John 1:48). That fig tree moment was personal and significant to Nathanael. Maybe it was a place of reflection or even frustration. Whatever it was, it hit home for Nathanael, and he quickly realized Jesus knew more about him than he thought possible.

The truth is, Jesus sees you too—especially in the unexpected. You might be in a season where you feel unseen or overwhelmed by circumstances, but you’re not invisible to God. He knows exactly what you're going through and where you are.

When life throws you a curveball, take a moment to pause and acknowledge that God sees you. Spend time in prayer, even if you don’t have the answers or feel lost. Tell Him how you're feeling, and rest in the assurance that you're not alone. You may not see the solution, but Jesus sees you and is working in ways you can’t yet understand.

Jesus Meets You in the Unexpected

Nathanael didn’t expect much from Jesus at first. He even doubted anything good could come from Nazareth. But in an unexpected moment, Jesus completely transformed his perspective. Sometimes we have fixed ideas of where God should show up—in our successes, our well-laid plans, or when things are going smoothly. But more often than not, Jesus meets us in our pain, struggles, and unexpected turns.

If you’ve ever felt like life’s challenges are pushing you too hard or that the storms of life are unfair, remember that Jesus comes to you in those very moments. He doesn’t wait for everything to be perfect to show up—He’s right there in the middle of the mess.

The next time you face an unexpected difficulty, instead of asking, “Why is this happening to me?” try asking, “Jesus, how are You showing up with me in this?” Look for His presence in the hard moments. It could be through a friend who offers a kind word, a Bible verse that comes to mind, or simply the peace that comes when you give your burden over to Him. Trust that He is there with you, even when the situation is not what you expected.

Jesus Develops You Through the Unexpected

Life’s unexpected moments are often where we grow the most. Nathanael went from skepticism to declaring that Jesus was the Son of God. That’s quite a difference! But it happened because Jesus revealed something deeper in that surprising moment. The same can happen in your life. God uses the unexpected to develop your character, faith, and trust in Him.

When things don’t go as planned, it’s easy to get frustrated or discouraged. But these moments can be the very places where God is shaping you, teaching you perseverance, and drawing you closer to Him. Nathanael could have stayed skeptical, but instead, he leaned into what Jesus was doing in his life—and it changed everything.

When life takes an unexpected turn, ask yourself, “What is God trying to develop in me through this?” It might be patience, faith, or learning to rely on Him more fully. Instead of fighting against the situation, lean into it. Trust that God is using this season to grow you in ways you might not yet see. Remember, as Jesus told Nathanael, “You will see greater things than this” (John 1:50). The best is yet to come.

Unexpected moments will happen—it’s inevitable. But how you respond to them can change everything. Remember that Jesus sees you, He meets you in the middle of it, and He’s developing you through it. When you embrace the unexpected with trust in God, you may just find that these moments are the very ones that lead to the greatest blessings and growth in your life. Have you met Jesus? Learn more about Him here.