Sunday, September 22, 2024

Jesus Shatters Shame | Reclaiming Your Identity In Christ

In life, it’s easy to let our struggles define us. Whether it’s a diagnosis, a personal failure, or emotional wounds, we often carry these burdens as if they determine our worth. The story of the woman with the issue of blood teaches us a valuable lesson: your struggle is not your identity.
Scripture: Mark 5:24–34
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Finding Hope in the Unexpected

Life is full of surprises. Sometimes it’s an exciting job promotion and sometimes it's a devastating job lost. Most times, we prefer a life of predictability. A plan gives us control, but it can also leave you confused when life doesn’t always stick to the script. It’s in these moments, that when we turn to God, we can find comfort in the chaos, even if we hesitate to believe things will change.
Scripture: John 1:43-51
Sunday, September 08, 2024

Tear The Roof Off | How to Get to Jesus

Have you ever had a moment where you realized you couldn’t handle something alone? Maybe you were trying to pick up the pieces of a broken situation—physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Life can feel overwhelming when you're carrying heavy burdens on your own. But here's the good news: You were never meant to do it alone.
Scripture: Mark 2:1-12