Sunday, September 29, 2024

This Is Holy Ground | Where Faith and Politics Collide

There is a real tension we all navigate in choosing between our learned values and what we believe God cares about most. What God cares about is holy, and living His way means choosing to live a life on “holy” ground, not “hollow” ground. The policies of today, matter.
Scripture: Psalms 33:12
Sunday, October 01, 2023

A Miracle for the Next Generation: God's Plan for Gen Z

It's time to shut the door on doubt and negative thinking about the next generation. In a world filled with uncertainties, our faith and the wisdom we pass on to the next generation are more important than ever. God always provides the miracle, but it starts with who and what's already in the house.
Scripture: 2 Kings 4:1-7, Daniel 3:24-25, Exodus 35:20-29